Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Privacy with iPhone-Applications2000

Protecting your privacy is our top priority at iPhone-Applications2000. All our products and services are designed and built to minimize the amount of user data collected. Any data we do collect is solely for ensuring the quality and functionality of our products and services.  

iPhone-Applications2000 does not collect any information that users store within our applications, nor any personally identifiable information related to downloads, purchases, or subscriptions. The only data we collect consists of anonymous device and account identifiers necessary for providing continuous access to your purchased products and services.  

What Information is Collected?

We only collect data essential for improving our products, enhancing the user experience, and ensuring proper functionality. By providing your information, you agree to its collection and use in accordance with this privacy policy.  

Using our products and services generates aggregated, non-personally identifiable information, such as device models, software versions, and purchase or subscription statistics. This data is not shared with third parties.  

1. Email Addresses
- If you enter your email address within our applications or on our website, we may use it to send product and marketing updates via newsletters. Every newsletter includes an unsubscribe link.  
- If you email us for support or general inquiries, we will use your email address to respond and maintain communication history for better support. We do not share email addresses or message contents with third parties.  

2. Notifications
- Opting in to receive notifications in our applications provides a unique device identifier. This is used solely for delivering relevant notifications and is not personally identifiable.  

3. Cookies & Analytics 
- Our website uses cookies to remember user preferences between browsing sessions, including notification preferences.  
- We use Google Analytics to understand user behavior on our website and improve its design. The data collected may include device model, software version, country, and pages visited. This information is not shared with third parties.  

Third-Party Services
Our products and services may integrate with third-party services, such as Apple’s App Store, Google Analytics, and cloud services for data storage. These third parties have their own privacy policies, and we encourage users to review them. iPhone-Applications2000 is not responsible for the privacy practices of these third parties.  

Data Security  
We implement industry-standard security measures to protect any data we collect. While we take reasonable precautions to safeguard your information, no system is 100% secure. Users are encouraged to keep their devices updated and use strong passwords to enhance security.  

User Rights & Control 
You have the right to:  
- Request access to any data we may have collected.  
- Request deletion of your data where applicable.  
- Opt-out of marketing communications at any time using the unsubscribe link.  
- Disable cookies in your browser settings if you do not wish to be tracked.  

To exercise these rights, contact us at  

Policy Updates 
We may update this privacy policy from time to time. Any significant changes will be communicated through our website or applications.  

By continuing to use iPhone-Applications2000 products and services, you confirm that you have read and agree to this privacy policy.

Thursday, March 6, 2014


Download from iTunes

Help on the way

Ver. 1.1
Επιδιόρθωση προβλήματος για το iOS 8 (Η εφαρμογή δεν έκανε ενημέρωση τοποθεσίας). 
Συμβατότητα με iPhone 6 iPhone 6 Plus

Βαθύτερα το χέρι στην τσέπη θα πρέπει να βάλουμε όλοι οι οδηγοί μιας χάρις τις νέες αυξημένες τιμές που ισχύουν στα διόδια όλης της χώρας. Η εφαρμογή ‘ΔΙΟΔΙΑ’ σας δίνει την δυνατότητα να πλοηγηθείτε στον προορισμό της επιλογής σας χωρίς την ανάγκη, οπού αυτό είναι εφικτό, της διέλευσης από Διόδια.
Η εφαρμογή σας δίνει πλήρες οδηγίες για το πως θα πάτε στον προορισμό σας πληρώνοντας τα λιγότερα διόδια καθώς σας δείχνει και όλα τα διόδια στον Ελλαδικό χώρο . Η επιλογή είναι πάντα δικιά σας κερδίστε σε χρήμα τώρα.

Η εφαρμογή σας δίνει την διαδρομή που θα ακολουθήσετε, την απόσταση, την ώρα ταξιδιού και την κατανάλωση του καύσιμου.

Οδηγίες για την καλύτερη χρηση:

Καλό είναι να μην χρησιμοποιείτε τον τελικό σας προορισμό σαν επιλογή αλλά την  επόμενη κοντινότερη πόλη για καλύτερα αποτελέσματα και καλύτερο σχεδιασμό του ταξιδιού σας.

"Go to HELL"

Download from iTunes

Do People Actually Choose to go to Hell?

Some times, when people say ''Go to Hell!'', they are not normally specific about how to get there. It turns out that Hell, like Hell - Michigan, is accessible to people. The easiest way to get there is up to you. You have to find a gate which leads to Hell and walk right through it. Here are 25 real spots that people have believed lead straight to Hell or places that are just named Hell.

Journey of Life

We learn, as we get older, that there are some things that will never regret one of them is traveling. Because traveling will give you the opportunity to develop new skills you didn’t know that you had, learn a new language and get some adventure.
Journey of life is an app that gives you 51 unique places that you loved to visit. You will have all the information that you will need for the places of your choice plus the weather conditions.
And never forget that not all who wander are lost.

Just Delete Me

Do you want to erase your digital life ? 

You can succeed it with this application which contains direct links to delete your account from Web Services. 

Based on website.

Web Browsers Shortcuts

Download from iTunes

A complete guide on most common Web Browsers shortcuts for PC - MAC and iOS Devices.

You don't remember how to open a new Tab in you Browser?

No problem. Now you have Web Browsers Shortcuts Application.

More than 500 Shortcuts for each occasion separated into categories.

Geek Guide to US

Download from iTunes

Based in a August 2013 issue of Popular Science Magazine

This app have 26 curious, mysterious or otherwise beguiling destinations to satisfy your inner science - history geek.
All of the above is combined with photos - videos and true story of each place.